Thursday, August 31, 2006

Faith, Hope & Charity

This week is a recovery week. Fewer miles, fewer hills, and a moderate pace. This is welcomed with open arms as I have developed some pains which may need a few days of rest to repair. While I'm recovering it gives me a chance to reflect on a recent homily at St. Joseph's on faith, hope and charity.

When I googled faith, hope and charity, here is one of the responses,

The three great virtues that the New Testament calls for in Christians. Charity is often called love. According to the Apostle Paul, “Now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.”

In any long run or race I seem to experience faith and hope. I have faith before I start a run, that I will complete it, and will do so in a better mental state than I began. I hope during the run that all body parts cooperate and finish the mission without any undue pains or complaints. Runners as a whole are an optimistic bunch, seeing obstacles (hills, bad weather, injuries) as things to be overcome, which will ultimately make you stronger.

What about Charity you ask? Well today I want to thank all of you who have supported my Team for Kids run with you financial support. There are many charities out there and people asking for your money, all the time. I want to express my sincere gratitude to you, for choosing to support this charity. It is my conviction that running does help promote positive thinking and healthy living, and I have faith that your donations will help inspire some young runners to become greater (students, citizens, adults, runners, parents) than they ever dreamed they could be. I hope the Team for Kids program grows ever stronger in the coming years as well, serving kids throughout the country.

So here is a special thanks to: Martha, Jeff, Dayna, Ken, Ron, Anton, Hubert, Doug, Manus, Lisa, Thomas, Brad, Alex, Peter, Carol, Donna, Allyson, Kenneth, Stephen, Douglas and Mom!

Thank you for sharing your love!



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