Sunday October 8th.
After watching the Yankees get dismantled by the Tigers, and my alma mater Michigan State get blown out by their arch rival Michigan the previous day, I had some steam to blow off in a race! Our coach said we should run this race at as fast a pace as we can hold steady for 13.1 miles. In other words, RACE !
Temperature when I awoke at 5 ayem was 46 degrees, so I ate a banana, had a cup of coffee and some gatorade and headed for the race. By 6:30 I was given my race number, #69, and a scoring chip, then I had a 2 hour wait until the start. Luckily I drove and brought a book, so I sat in my car, drank some more coffee and relaxed. At 8:15 I headed out to the start, about 100 yards from my car. I found my running mates, Jeff and Oscar, and off we went on a beautiful sunny morning. I was hoping to run at about a 7:45 minute per mile pace for the entire race, but found we were running at about 7:30 per mile after one and two miles. I felt good, so decided to just go with the flow. From that point on I just ran a steady pace, passing runners on the way, never looking at my watch for the time, just running according to how I felt, and I felt pretty good !
This course was run on the Bronx River Parkway, a two lane road, and rather flat. At the halfway point we turned around and headed back north up the other side of the Parkway. At this point I could see and cheer for my teammates as they passed by. There is great camaraderie among our group! By 10 miles, I started counting down to the finish as the pace was starting to wear me out. I could hear footsteps of other runners just behind me and decided I would not be passed from this point on, so I picked up the pace with 1 mile to go. When I reached the 13 mile marker and had about 100 yards to go I found a group of Team for Kids runners who finished ahead of me, cheering me on to the finish. They provided just the boost I needed to kick to the finish line. I finished in 1:37:26 or a 7:24 pace per mile.
This is the first time we have been allowed to really race as a group. Before this we have been using the races as training runs at a set pace. It felt pretty good, and was a good mental boost to know I can run hard for half a marathon. This race increased my confidence level for the big race on Nov. 5 th.
26 days to go.......
Stay healthy!
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